To provide air transportation services for passengers and air cargo, and are generally recognized as a certificate or license to operate. Rent or own their own aircraft carrier containing the supply of these services, and form partnerships or alliances May for the airlines to benefit from interaction with others. Vary from airline with a single cargo plane to pick up their mail or through the entire - Airlines operating international services to the many hundreds of planes. Intercontinental airline service is classified, and intracontinental, domestic and May as scheduled or charter service, or to work. American Tony jannus conduct ', the first commercial airline flight schedule for the January 1, 1914, Saint Petersburg - the route, through its merger with time, the evolution of Delta Air Lines, braniff Airlines, American Airlines, United Airlines (original Boeing division), and Trans World Airlines, Northwest Airlines, Eastern Airlines, to name a few. At the same time, Juan trippe air movement began to create a network that links the United States to the world, and to achieve this goal through his airline, the fleet Americas World Airlines flight to Los Angeles, Boston, London, Shanghai and linked to the cruise . International airlines before paenam only in the 1940s in the United States. The carrier is still operating under the old klm original name was established in 1919. First flight (by the travel and transport aircraft operating on behalf klm) is trying to move passengers schiphol, 1920 in London and Amsterdam. Other major European airline of the time (see below France and the United Kingdom), klm growth relies heavily on the initial connection to the service needs far - from the colonial assets (Netherlands India). It was only after the loss of empire, the Netherlands is a small country itself klm found some potential passengers are therefore based on the transfer of traffic and a lot of people would have been one of the Hub - the first to introduce the system to facilitate the connection. Air France to start the Postal Service in 1919 and then in 1927 palryeotne Morocco, aƩropostale name changed, and the injection of capital to become a major international airline. 1933, aƩropostale bankruptcy, merger, and several other state-owned airline Air France is. Oh aircraft charter enacted in Finland / And (current finnair still one of the oldest in the world - Air Operations), signed in September 1923 in the city of Helsinki, 12, I work. Junkers f 13 d - the first 335 aircraft of the company, when the airline took delivery in March 1924 on the 14th. The first flight between Helsinki and Tallinn, Estonia's capital, and took place on March 20, 1924, one week huhapnida. Germany's Lufthansa began in 1926. Unlike most other airline Lufthansa at the time, the airline said major investments outside of Europe, to provide capital and yakching varig. Junkers made by the German aircraft, Donny AIRE, and the world's most advanced fokker time. Air travel to Germany on the peak in the mid - 1930s, when the Nazi propaganda minister, to approve the start of commercial services Chaplin: A large ship is a symbol of industrial might, but the fact that they used flammable hydrogen gas is safe culminated the hindenburg raised concerns that the 1937 disaster. They are used instead of hydrogen, because - good helium helium gas, the United States military is not prohibited. Britain's transportation and travel services company, to launch aircraft Th London to Paris on August 25, 1919, which is the world's first regular international flights. During this period, the national flag carrier British Airways is a real-impi, which was boac nyeonhapnida 1939 (British Overseas Airways Corporation). Handley huge - Page impi used in a real-London air route for biplanes, the Middle East and India: Images of the aircraft in the middle of a real-rub'al khali impi, which is being maintained by bedouins, the prime among the most famous photographs of the British Empire. . The Philippines is the first country in Asia to embrace the aviation transportation. Philippine Airlines was established in February 1941 to work before the 26 Asia's oldest carrier is still operating under the current name. The airline was started by a group of businessmen led by Andre seesaw, as a welcome one, the Philippines' leading time of industrialization. Airline's first flight was on March 15, 1941 Beech Model 18 with a single NPC - 54 aircraft, which began in Manila, everyday services (nielson field), bagioh, Washington, and later expand to a larger plane. -- 3, vickers Viscount. In particular, Japan Airlines, the first Philippine Airlines aircraft leases them to Washington - three named "kinsei". The July 31, 1946, Washington, a chartered Philippine Airlines - Four American soldiers are ferried 40 Oakland, California, Makati City to stop the state from the airport nielson Guam, Wake Island, Johnston Atoll, and Honolulu, Hawaii, for the first time in Asia's airlines Friends border to create the Pacific. Regular service between Manila and San Francisco began in December. The Philippine flag carrier during the year was designated as the carrier. The initial operation of the company to other airlines to start air for India, which started in 1932 after the tata Airlines Ltd son. Part tata (tata Group), India's leading businessmen jrd tata. This October 15, 1932, a single-engine Mosquito jrd tata his boots moth flies carrying air mail (postal real impi of air) in Karachi to Bombay via Ahmedabad. Bellary continue through the Royal Air Force pilot and the pilot aircraft madras nevill Vincent. At the end of World War II the following general commercial air services in India in July 1946 tata restore, and became a public limited company under the name of 29 families in the air in India. After India's independence, 49 percent of the airline's acquisition by the government of India. In return, the international airline service operating in the Indian state grant given under the name of India's flag air carrier and the International. Air transportation also got neighbors engagement, particularly in 1946 and the establishment cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines, Malaysia Airlines in 1947 (Malaysian Airlines), 1949 garuda Indonesia and Japan, the airline was established in 1951. Outbreak of World War II, the airline's presence in Asia, has been suspended relative to their flag to the new aircraft carrier for more donations and other assistance to military uses. World War II, like World War I, to bring new life to the airline industry. Many airlines are flush allies in the military leasing contracts, and the explosion of demand for the foreseeable future, the civil aviation transportation, both for passenger and freight. They are eager to invest in air travel, including flagships in the emerging stratocruiser Boeing, Lockheed Constellation, and the damage control - 6. Most of these new aircraft, including bombers in the United States based on the b - 29, he led research on new technologies, such as pressure. Most improved efficiency in both high-speed and entered the payload provides. The next big boost for the airline would come in the 1970s, when a Boeing 747, McDonald Douglas' Washington - 10, and Lockheed litre - widebody inauguration 1011 (the "jumbo jet") service, which is still the standard of international travel. Texas, the tupolev - 144 and the Western response, the Concorde, the supersonic travel creates reality. Europe's Airbus, which in 1972 produced the most successful line of commercial aircraft start date. For additional efficiency, these aircraft are often not the speed, capacity, but passengers, payload and range. Returning to the normal business cycle, and other major space Airlines is the dominant price their offerings routes, often swamping the emerging new. The only American Airlines (which is merging with the United States since the air), the participants of this new era survivors still significant as dozens, hundreds or even, went to the bottom. Deregulated environment, in many ways, the biggest winner is the air passenger. In fact, growth in the United States has witnessed an explosion in demand for air travel, many millions of dollars, or almost never ridden one person even before regular flyers, and even frequent flyer loyalty program with free flights and other benefits from their flight . The new service, and high-frequency business flyers suit was meant to fly to another city, Changsha, and the Main and the same day, for almost every point in the country. The advantages of long-distance air travel bus line pressure, and the far most of the decline. Thus, the last 50 years of aviation industry is reasonably profitable to vary strongly depressed. Primary market deregulation in the aviation industry, the first time in the United States in 1978 than most other countries or regions experienced more turbulence. Today, almost every single American Airlines, except for a legacy carrier under a Chapter 11 bankruptcy regulations, or operating a business out. The National Air and many countries, the government is operating. Airline companies in the private sector are fully regulated and subject to the government's success in economic, political, and security concerns. For example, the government has frequently intervened to stop the action to protect the free flow of labor aviation, communications, and between different regions without compromising the safety of the product. America, Australia and New Year's holidays in Brazil, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Japan, the "deregulation" of the airline. In the past, the government has ordered air fare, route network, and other operational requirements for each airline. Since deregulation, the airline is usually free to negotiate their different operating the airport to prepare, easy to enter and exit routes, and the market's supply and demand Levy airfare, according to the flights. Barriers to entry for new airline companies to lower their market deregulation, and American Airlines has seen hundreds of people starting up (sometimes merely a short operating period). This is the most competitive market even more productive than before deregulation, the average rates tend to drop by 20 percent or more. Additional competition, free with the product, the market share of new immigrants means to the frequently asked for a limited amount of high discount rates to a degree, full-service airline must match. This is a major constraint on the establishment of profitability for the carriers, which tend to have a higher cost base. Groups such as the International Civil Aviation Organization and other international standards to establish mandatory safety concerns. Most of the international air traffic is regulated by bilateral agreements between the countries, which specifies the specific carriers operating in a particular path. Such a model agreement between the United States and Britain following World War II Bermuda agreement, which specified the Atlantic for flights using the airport each gave the government the authority to appoint a path for the operator. Agreement between the two countries is based on the "air of freedom" traffic rights group called on the General from within the country's domestic provides the freedom to overfly a nation of freedom (very rarely granted, known as cabotage rights). Most of the agreements to allow the airline to specify the country on a plane at the airport from their home countries: Some services have continued to expand freedom in a third country can offer, or another purpose of carrying passengers from overseas, while the other country. In the 1990s, "open skies" agreement is more likely. Many of these regulatory powers from the government agreed this week to more competition and openness and international routes. Open skies agreements have met some of the criticism, particularly within the European Union, whose American Airlines is a disadvantage in comparison to 'cabotage because of the restrictions. One argument is a positive external and global liquidity due to the higher growth over Missy losses continuing to justify government intervention. The historic high level of government intervention in the airline industry as part of an agreement on wider political view suitda form of a strategic highway and railway transportation and the same, to receive public funds Everybody in most parts of the world. In the future to improve the profitability of low competitive than expected - and continue to spread the cost carriers privatization. Flight schedules maintained by reason of complications, and the airline company's profitability by the knowledge that many loopholes can be used to travel. These fares are many more secret known to the general public, so the airlines are forced to ongoing adjustment. Most of the airlines to use price discrimination, price discrimination is a kind of air service to sell for a variety of different segments to the price at the same time. Factors that affect the number of days remaining until the price includes the departure, scheduled load factor, price point Forecast demand for the complete, competitive pricing power, and similar to the day, by day, depending on departure time. Each of the rooms is often achieved by having aircraft carriers (1, business and economy), prices for many more travel for the purpose of the class. Factor is a complex origin - Destination Control ( "Oh development control"). People who purchase tickets in Melbourne, Sydney (for example) to $ 200 (aud) is a competition with other people who want to fly on the same flight to Los Angeles, Melbourne, Sydney, the amount and who to pay 1,400 dollars (aud). Passenger airlines prefer passengers plus $ 200 baekdalreoyina Sydney 1004 - Los Angeles may be baekdalreoreul 1,003 passengers are willing to pay you? Airline prices should be similar to hundreds of thousands of daily decisions. The advanced computerized reservation system appearance in the second half of 1970, jeomeseoyo Sabre, the airline accepted easily cost - different price structures to perform the analysis convenience, price discrimination almost perfectly, leading in some cases (that is, for each of the aircraft and cargo driving without a seat at the best price can be charged to consumers other). Price discrimination is anti - business practices considered discriminatory pricing and definitions defined as: different prices for the same product. Strictly speaking this is a concrete act as the sum of other airlines, does not violate the law. Ring the air, the hub - and price structure of the system, and an attack on the deficit is a legal term defined as a business, even though this act outside the law. Low Cost Carriers (lcc), a new on the scene and did not contact or resources to business practices that are forbidden by law to define pure (they are selected to participate), monopoly pricing structure to speak of links with the practice. National carriers that define how discrimination is still intenionally volitionally and harmful to their business competitors by malicious act upon. This law can be applied to protect the business, or who do not secure the best evidence that the effects of the unfair treatment they bring. Suit, and therefore can be used to limit their legal status within manuevaribility the defendant is lcc market. For example, the United States government's demand for a particular problem for them at the airport to receive tax exemptions or subsidies for any one of the people), senior / therapy vested interests, B) The financial crisis in the legal status (for example: the dictionary - bankruptcy). Features of the nature of the fare pricing has led to the term "fare war" to describe the flights to other airlines are racing efforts will fail. The computer quickly and efficiently through the new flight suit. Posted on the airline's sales channels. Air carrier used for the purpose of this tariff publishing company (atpco), the fare for the deployment of more than 500 computers, the latest airline reservation systems around the world. Total - a higher level of airline services, and operating costs are fixed for the establishment and maintenance of air services: labor, fuel, aircraft, engines, spare parts and components, and network services, airport equipment, airport handling services, retail sales, the feed , education, aviation, insurance and other costs. Therefore, except for a small percentage of all income from ticket sales paid to the various kinds of external or internal cost center providers. In addition, the airline industry is structured so often acts as a tax collection circle. Aviation fuel is taxable, however, due to the existing set of a treaty between nations. Ticket prices include many fees, taxes and surcharges have little or no control over them, and they pass through a variety of providers. The airline is also responsible for the enforcement of government regulations. Transporting passengers without proper documentation, for the case Airlines international flights, and they are responsible for the country of origin and return them back. In contrast, Southwest Airlines is the most profitable airline since 1970. In fact, sources in the southwest part of the evaluation of the best-performing stocks over the period, surpassing Microsoft and many other high-performing companies. This is the best reason for their product consistency and cost control. Penetration of new types of low-cost airlines at the entrance and then the start of the century, the demand for service providers to control the speed of the overall cost. Southwest Airlines, the low cost of many companies to emulate a variety of respects, and the Southwest, as the only suit their interests. Consistent through all phases of the business cycle. As a result, the airline has occurred in the United States and other dotae. United Airlines and U.S. Airways (twice), Delta Air Lines, Northwest Airlines both declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and so the United States is rarely avoided. Alitalia, Scandinavian Airlines System, sabena, swissair, Japan Air System, viasa, Air Canada, ansett Australia, and other people with heart seolregi have declared bankruptcy since 1995, or the low-cost immigrants their home markets Enter the state. Some argue for the entire industry would be much better to reduce the number of actual cases makhyeotseup wave of the "Vampire" artificially while competing airlines and aviation pasanbeop health through protection from creditors. On the other hand, some of the intellectual abilities of the massive reduction in the short life of a relatively new aircraft, if there was a chance that the market will want to eliminate one of the bankrupt again - to enter the fleet, the basis for the rise in cheap plane for survivors new or emerging. Air loans are very complex, since the airlines are highly leveraged operations. In addition, they must purchase (or lease), the new body and engine plane they regularly need a long - term fleet decision is a major goal of the meeting the market's needs during the production of their fleet operations and the economy maintenance is relatively. Southwest Airlines and their comparison of the reliability of a single aircraft type (Boeing 737 and derivatives), Eastern Airlines now operates 17 different models do not exist, a variety of pilot gakgwa, engine, maintenance and support needed rohapnida. The second problem is financial hedge for oil and fuel purchases, which are typically applied only the second company in the relative cost of labor. However, the current high price of fuel costs, it is the largest airline doelhapnida. While hedge expensive suit. Teuhaneun instrumentation, easy to perform for themselves many times over during the suit. Pay increase and the cost of fuel in the 2000-2005 period. When, in many international airports in the crowded stands, the ownership of certain airports in the slot (to the right of the land - or turn off a plane at a particular time of day or night), the trade will be a significant asset to the many air. Clearly - Today's popular slot TIMES critically disabled. Suit airline flights to attract more profitable business travelers to specify and establish a competitive advantage for competing airlines. If the city was more than two airports, market forces tend deolhaneun profitable routes to attract, or what the competition is less vulnerable to the airport congestion, the slots can be used where there are likely more expensive. Other factors, such as surface transportation facilities and Onward connections, will also affect the relative attractiveness of different airports and people may need to do some long-haul flights to operate from the longest runway. Code sharing is the most common type of airline alliances; It has one of the airline, the other airlines to sell tickets for flights on airlines under their own code. This is an early example of Japan Airlines' code sharing partnership with aeroflot flight from Tokyo to Moscow in the 1960s: using aeroflot aeroflot flight aircraft operated, but if they Niko Niko selling tickets for flights operating. Through his practice to expand the airline's business, at least on paper, as part of the world where they sueopneun afford to establish bases or purchase aircraft. Austria - another example of the spirit of community sabena VIENNA - Brussels - New York Kennedy, the color of Route 60 in the second half, Austria sabena used with the Boeing 707. Airline Reservation requests are often since the city has created - pairs (for example: "flights from Chicago to Dusseldorf show"), the airline whose code for a variety of routes for other airlines can share with other people might be able to actually offer to be listed Chicago - Dusseldorf flight. Passengers are advised, however, say one airline to operate the plane in Chicago Amsterdam, and the airline operating the flight, and will continue (to another plane, and sometimes other devices), Dusseldorf. Therefore, the code sharing is the primary basis for the offer to expand its services to the city - to increase revenue so that the terms of the pair. This combination of the two companies often work, purchase fuel, or the plane to a higher purchasing power to negotiate as a bloc in order to achieve. However, the most successful partnerships are invisible to purchase supplies and services such as fuel. Typically, airline passengers can ease their preferred to buy items from local competitors to differentiate themselves. Paris, the airline's main domestic competitor of Boeing aircraft, then the airlines use Airbus aircraft, regardless of what the rest of the suit. Prefer to select the alliance. Each operator of the plane was chartered or scheduled airlines using the call sign when communicating with air traffic control centre and the airport. Most of these derived from the currency - the sign of the airline's trade name, but because of history, marketing, the need to reduce the negative or ambiguous English (so that the pilots are determined to be a mistake not based on the guidelines issued by navigating to other aircraft), some The airline and the Air Force to use their transactions connected to the telephone - name less clearly signposted. For example, British Airways speedbird use the telephone - the sign, the logo is named after his predecessor, America West used during boac cactus reflect the company's home state of Arizona and to differentiate itself in a number of other airlines The United States and the West to use their call sign. The industry is cyclical. 4-5 years for the poor performance during the preceding five to six years and improved performance. However, the good years are generally lower profitability in the next 2-3 percent of net profits interests and the scope of the tax. In the best interests of the era, the new generation of aircraft lease and upgrade air service in response to the high demand. Revenue of the capital since 1980, the industry is the best time for the top of the cost. Conversely, loss of significant deterioration TIMES bad suit.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
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